PewDiePie’s 5 Artestic Tattoos & Their Meanings

PewDiePie is the king of YouTube, with followers that exceed the population of certain countries. Comedy, vlog Let’s Play and satire make up most of his material. As of 2013, his channel has around 97 million subscribers, making him the most subscribed person on YouTube. If you’re a follower of his YouTube channel, you’ve probably seen his latest videos of his stunning tattoos. Let’s see the meaning of his tattoos.

1. Three drops on the left forearm and a heart-shaped face with an eye

PewDiePie tattoo (Source: google)

Tattoo: A heart-shaped tattoo with three drops and an eye.

Meaning: PewDiePie has a heart-shaped face tattooed on his left forearm and an eye with three drops. It appears to be a classic piece of artwork printed in black ink in the shape of a face in a heart. Luciano, a tattoo artist from London, tattooed this tattoo in June 2016. In one of his youtube vlogs, he stated that he discovered the tattoo artist on Instagram and that he is extremely kind.

2. “Slippy” on the left forearm

PewDiePie tattooPewDiePie tattoo (Source: Google)

Tattoo: A frog playing a trumpet is tattooed on his arm.

Meaning: On his left forearm, PewDiePie has a tattoo of a frog playing a trumpet. Haskey, a tattoo artist, inked this tattoo in February 2018 while in Osaka, Japan. PewDiePie has Slippy the frog as a pet. It’s not the most exotic pet in the world, but it’s also not one that many people would consider getting.

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3. “Skeleton on a cat” on his right hand

PewDiePie tattooPewDiePie tattoo (Source: google)

Tattoo: A cat with a skeleton tattoo

Meaning: PewDiePie has a skeleton sitting on a cat tattooed on the inside of his left forearm. This tattoo is inspired by the work of Gary Baseman, a famous artist. Gary made this painting in honor of his older black cat, Stubby, who was killed by a vehicle and displayed it at one of his exhibitions.

4. The Swedish church with an open roof on the upper right wing

PewDiePie tattooPewDiePie tattoo (Source: google)

Tattoo: A guy looking through the open roof of a Swedish church.

Meaning: Tattooed on Pewdie’s right upper arm is a Swedish church with an open roof and a guy peeking out. PewDiePie got this tattoo in his hometown of Stockholm on Christmas 2016. Together with his parents, he got this tattoo. Will Pacheco, a tattoo artist, inked it.

5. “Girl” on his right forearm

PewDiePie tattooPewDiePie tattoo (Source: google)

Tattoo: v Kaws’ artwork for the “Girl” tattoo

Meaning: PewdiePie has a shy girl tattooed on his right forearm. Another famous artist, Kaws, was the inspiration for this work. On August 15, 2015, he had this tattoo done next to his previous cat and skeleton tattoo.

Categories: Biography
Source: HIS Education

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