Pokémon Sword & Shield: Track Down A Shiny Skwovet This Weekend In Max Raids

Trainers have another chance to find easy sparkle in this weekend’s race Pokémon: Sword and Shield In the Max Raid event, the shiny one with increased odds is the Galarian squirrel Skwovet. While previous events have had more exciting or useful Pokémon, this Max Raid weekend has opted for the mandatory Route 1 normal-type rodent.

Max Raid weekends are special events Pokémon: Sword and Shield Held often. These themed events feature a group of Pokémon that are similar in appearance or typography to those that appear more frequently in Max Raids. Defeating these Pokémon will also bring special items to the trainer, such as experience-boosting candies or rare berries. Each Max Raid event also increases the Shiny chance of one of the featured Pokémon, making it easier to obtain Shiny Form. Previous events have hosted Shiny Wailord, Clefairy, Gourgeist and more.

Now, in a new event announced by Game Freak, trainers have the chance to catch the elusive red squirrel Shiny Skwovet. The event starts on Thursday, November 19th and will end on Sunday, November 22nd. During this time, Max Raids will consist of Cherubi, Amoonguss, Shiinotic, and Greedent, while the chance of finding a Shiny Skwovet will also increase. When completing Max Raid battles against featured Pokémon, players will receive a large number of berries, including some of the rarest berries. While Game Freak has yet to reveal the Shining odds for the event, PKMN CAST The chances of encountering each featured Pokémon are detailed on Twitter.

Shiny Skwovet has a whopping 2% chance of appearing in Max Raids, which are raids with five stars. These odds are astronomical compared to normal shiny odds outside the event. This means players have a 1 in 50 chance of encountering a Shiny Skvovit. Typically, trainers have a 0.02% chance of encountering a Shiny Pokémon in a raid, and a 0.14% chance if they have a Shiny Charm. Players looking to add a Shiny Squirrel to their team won’t want to miss this event.

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Shiny Pokémon are very rare and often require a lot of patience and dedication when hunting outside of events. While some players may think that the increased odds may devalue shiny items, Game Freak gives everyone a chance to find shiny items, which is great. Also, how much is a shiny Skwovet worth?Of all the Pokémon introduced in Generation 8 Pokémon: Sword and ShieldSkwovet is probably the least popular.

Source: “Pokémon”, PKMN CAST

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