Project Zomboid: Best Clothes To Get (& Where To Find Them)

exist zombie planClothing is a player’s first line of defense against zombies and the environment. However, not all clothing is equally effective, and many are strictly better at zombie protection or environmental protection than others. Of course, in a zombie apocalypse, beggars can’t be picky, but beggars can certainly keep an eye out for better products and make the most of what they get in the future. After all, the best products don’t need to satisfy the most basic needs.

There are tons of different clothes to choose from, and the differences won’t be immediately apparent without carefully examining each piece. Additionally, clothes can be used in different conditions, which dramatically changes how they appear in the world. Every part of a garment may have a hole, which will seriously affect its properties until repaired or reinforced by tailoring. It doesn’t help that most of these details are presented as bar graphs rather than numbers, and are located in extra menus. Players don’t have enough time to pull off a heist when zombies are approaching and emotions cause problems.

Clothes are there zombie plan There are a few different properties worth noting. The most obvious properties are scratch resistance and bite resistance, making it possible for their respective attacks to fail instead of falling on the player. In a game where even a simple scratch or tear can be fatal, any level of protection is valuable. Clothes also have different environmental values, specifically heat insulation, wind and cold protection, waterproofing, etc. Water resistance usually doesn’t have that big of an impact as it’s only relevant in rain or snow and can be offset by other attributes, but insulation and wind protection are important. Winter can be harsh without warm clothing, so it’s important to have warm clothing on hand (if not wearing any). Finally, some clothes have speed modifiers for combat and movement, which can put a huge price tag on seemingly good clothes.

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what to wear zombie plan how

It is worth noting that compromises must be made when it comes to clothing in zombie plan; Most of the best costumes either sacrifice mobility, zombie protection, or environmental protection.Clothes are OK too also OK, causes overheating. If players overheat, they can remove several layers of clothing, find less warm alternatives, or cope with overheating and carry extra water.

Face: balaclava and welding mask

Balaclavas provide the best environmental protection in the slot machine, although they are relatively rare as they can only be found on bandit zombies. Not only does the welder’s mask provide the best zombie protection and good environmental protection, it is also a must-have tool for all forms of metalworking and can be found on the Zombie Mechanic, along with the tools found in most places.

Hats: winter hats, crash helmets and motorcycle helmets

Winter hats offer the best environmental protection on the shelf, without any drawbacks, and can be found on the shelves where clothing is usually found, albeit not commonly. The crash helmet provides full protection against bites and scratches and is very environmentally friendly without any drawbacks and can only be found on motorcyclist zombies.If the player is willing to give up 5% of movement speed in zombie planmotorcycle helmets provide complete protection against zombies and maximum protection against the environment, and can also be found on motorcycle-riding zombies.

Neck: white scarf

Offering slight scratch resistance and maximum environmental protection, the white scarf has no drawbacks and can be found in any clothing or department store storage bin. Oddly enough, scarves of other colors have worse properties, so if the player wants the best clothes, they should specifically find white scarves.

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Shirts: Denim shirts and lumberjack shirts

Denim shirts are the only shirts that are slightly bite and scratch resistant, have decent eco-friendly properties, and can be found anywhere clothing is usually found in zombie plan, especially bedroom wardrobes and drawers. If the player doesn’t need zombie protection, the lumberjack shirt is significantly more environmentally friendly.

Vest: Police bulletproof vest

All body armors have the ability to resist zombies, but the police version is the most environmentally friendly, although it is only slightly better than the civilian version. It can be found in police stations and police officer zombies.

Jackets: fire jackets and leather jackets

firefighter jacket in zombie plan Provides high protection against everything, but also slows down the player, and can be found on Fireman Zombies. If this slowdown is too significant, a leather jacket reduces the level of protection in exchange for nearly all mobility, and can be found anywhere clothing is normally found.

Gloves: leather gloves

Leather gloves are the only gloves that offer zombie protection and provide very high environmental protection. They can be found anywhere clothing is normally found.

Leather case: double leather case

As the name suggests, a double holster is like a leather holster, but lets zombie plan Players carry two pistols, which can be equipped via hotkeys and equipped items weigh 30% less, and can be found in police and military locations.

Pants: Padded pants and military urban camo pants

Padded pants offer maximum environmental protection and slight bite and scratch resistance at the cost of 5% slower movement and can be found in clothing stores and homes. If movement speed is an issue, the Military Urban Camo Pants sacrifice some environmental protection for return speed, although they are also very rare, only appearing on Soldier Zombies and Zombie Survivors.

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Shoes: combat boots and sneakers

Combat boots provide complete immunity to zombies, good environmental protection, and optimal trample damage in exchange for 15% of the player’s movement speed.They are rare on all zombies, especially soldiers and survivalists in zombie plan.If the mobility penalty is too severe, the sneakers will sacrifice most of the resistance and a quarter of the stepping damage in exchange for 10% movement speed bonus Instead, it can be found anywhere clothing is typically found.

Wrist: digital watch

The digital watch provides players with information about time, date and temperature and allows setting alarms. They only appear on zombies and other corpses, but are relatively common.

zombie plan Available on PC.

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