Rick & Morty’s Beth Secret Hints Why Rick Chose Dimension C-131

rick from the popular comedy/sci-fi series rick and the dead Known for traveling the multiverse at will for a number of reasons. In an episode of the Adult Swim series, Rick and Morty completely abandon their home dimension and decide to live in a dimension known as C-131 – a spin-off of the comics. revealed that Rick chose that particular dimension. In fact, because of his daughter Beth.

exist rick and the dead In season 1, episode 6, “Rick Potion #9”, Rick invented a drug that made Morty sexually attractive to Jessica, whom Morty liked. However, this serum mutates and flies through the air, causing everyone in the world to be attracted to Morty, except for Morty’s biological family, who are immune to the symptoms. When Rick tries to fix it by half-dangerously mixing another batch of potion, he inadvertently turns everyone in the world into fearsome Cronenberg-style monsters – throwing the world into doomsday chaos. so effectively. After discovering that Rick couldn’t solve the dreaded “Cronenberg” problem, he decided to travel with Morty to another dimension where they died, allowing them to take the place of the dead mutant and move on. their lives in a completely different way. A new dimension, as if nothing had happened.

In the manga Oni Press rick and the dead #23 Created by Kyle Starks and CJ Cannon, a Jerry mutant known as Doofus Jerry, ironically intelligent and dangerous has taken over Castle Ricks and is on a mission to kidnap Beth “Beth- est” of the multiverse, meaning the best version of herself among her myriad variations. Turns out, Beth-est Beth is the main Beth rick and the dead The series follows the episode “Rick Potion #9”. On the surface, this makes sense since the main Rick in this series is Rick-est Rick and Morty is the Morty-est Morty, so, naturally, the rest of their family becomes the version. the best of . The only problem is that this Beth is not Rick’s real daughter since he came to this dimension after the “Cronenberg” world, suggesting that Rick may have chosen C-131 at the end of “Rick Potion #9″ ” because it’s Beth-est Beth alive, and he wants to live with the best version of his daughter.

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Rick decided to create a new life in orbital space C-131 because that’s where Beth-est Beth lives – the logic is that since he can’t be with his real daughter anymore, he can too. Be with the best version of her. That logic has another caveat, however, as Earth Rick’s “Cronenberg” isn’t his original world either.inside rick and the dead The season 5 season finale “Rickmurai Jack” revealed that Rick’s original wife and daughter were killed by another Rick variant. After scouring every reality to find the killer and killing countless Ricks in the process, Rick decided to replace one of the Ricks he killed, and settle into the reality he was later found to be. “Cronenbergization”. So, if Rick is interested in having Beth-est Beth as his new daughter, since his real biological daughter died at an early age, he found her in the first place.

The Beth of the “Cronenberg” world was probably the best Beth when Rick got there, but due to her changing personality and outlook, she lost the title, passing it on to the next best Beth in the multiverse Silk pillar. Exact details are unclear, fans know that C-131’s Beth is Beth-est Beth and C-137’s Rick is Rick-est Rick, meaning it’s possible that Rick went to C-est after this event. 131 of another dimension rick and the dead: “Rick Potion #9” all because of Beth.

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