Sex with my wife and her cousin was so good, I don’t think I can return to monogamy

DEAR DEIDRE: The sex with my wife and her cousin was so good that I don’t think I’ll ever want monogamy again.

I am a 29-year-old man and my wife is 27 years old. We have been married for seven months and have always had a wonderful sex life.

Her cousin is 25 years old. I had not met him before our wedding, nor had I ever experienced intimacy with another guy. He is very funny and has always been close to my wife.

We have a one bedroom apartment and he asked if he could come and stay while he was training nearby.

The plan was that he would sleep on the floor of our bedroom as there was no room in our small living room.

I cooked us all dinner and it was such a hot night that we all quickly became quite drunk on wine.

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The three of us got along like a house on fire, and the conversation soon turned sexual. He even admitted that he always wondered what it was like to be with a man.

I told him that I’ve always been happy with women, but I’m open to new experiences.

I think the conversation turned us all on, so when we went to bed my wife made a B-line for me and we kissed while her cousin watched.

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It was completely natural when he joined us in bed and started kissing me until we were all enjoying a new kind of sex with each other.

I’ve never felt so excited. My wife enjoyed it too and invited her cousin to join us again next weekend. I never thought I was gay, but maybe bisexual.

DEIDRE SAYS: Maybe you are. I guess the alcohol made you feel confident enough to accept that first kiss, which led to you being ambivalent.

Some couples love threesomes, but you need clear boundaries about what is and isn’t acceptable as a starting point.

Thus, feelings of jealousy often arise, one partner begins to develop romantic feelings for a third person, and insecurity can become a problem.

Also, since this man is family, you don’t want conflicts to spread to the extended family.

If you intend to involve third parties in your relationship, it would be better if you take this experience as a one-time experience with your wife’s cousin and read my support package called Thinking of Threes before taking the next step.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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