Sons Of Anarchy: Top 10 Bikes Owned By SAMCRO Members, Ranked

One of the factors that make up the FX series son of anarchy The presence of many complex and polarizing characters is interesting. But the character isn’t the only star of the show. Also can’t ignore the bike. Since SAMCRO is a gang in the guise of a motorcycle club, club members prefer to travel by bicycle rather than car.

Wondering why everything about bicycles is so cool and accurate? Former real-life motor club member David Labrava serves as the show’s technical advisor. He also starred in SAMCRO’s Happy Lowman Sergeant Major. Here are the best bikes owned by SAMCRO members.

Harley-Davidson Electra Tri-Glide (Pini)

As one of the first 9, age is catching up with Piney. His health deteriorated and he no longer had the strength to ride the two-wheeled bicycle he had when he was young. Determined to keep riding on the highway, he found a bike that was just right for him. This is great.

Piney’s Harley-Davidson Electra Tri-Glidekept has three wheels. It also has a special holster in the back filled with the oxygen tank he needs to keep him healthy. It also has the obligatory Grim Reaper image on the gas tank.

2008 Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide (clay)

Clay Morrow tracks tortured drug mules in 'Sons of Anarchy'

As the first SAMCRO president at the show, Clay displayed the club’s Reaper logo on his bike in a larger size than the other members. This bike is similar to some of the other bikes in the show, but with its sleek black paint and growl, it’s hard to ignore.

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Interestingly, the actor who plays Clay, Ron Perlman, doesn’t really like bicycles. He once shared a photo of himself on a bike with his co-stars, with the caption, “I have to admit, I look horrible on a bike**. Very sexy. Nice gangsta I also have to admit, Bicycles are not like me. And it belongs to each other. “

2006 Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob (Tig)

SOA - Tiger and Bobby

Considering Tig is such a violent daredevil, it’s a miracle that Tig survived to the end of the show. But overall, he’s a fun character who enjoys riding a 2006 Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob. He has a memorable scene on the bike where he drags police officers over Charming to distract him. direct them so other SAMCRO members can board the plane to Belfast.

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Tig’s bike is different because it has many spikes and skulls scattered around. The speed is also quite fast, every time the whole crew chases the scene, they are very close to the front line.

Pan head (Opie)

Opie's Panhead Bike

Another classic bike is the Panhead, which Opie spent a lot of time in the garage trying to restore. Although he owns a Harley, his wish is to get a Panhead up and running so he can drive around Charming like it was in the 60s.

Like JT’s bike, the Panhead is blue. Since Opie’s father, Piney, was one of the first nine, the bike was definitely his. As a kid, Opie must have loved this bike because he saw his father running around on it. Tragically, Opie was killed by Pope’s thugs before he could enjoy Panhead.

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FXD Street Bob (Congratulations Loman)

Happy, Jax and Chibs on bikes

Xingxin said the entire FX series less than ten times. He prefers doing to talking, and has even managed to make himself one of the most killed members of SACMRO. He also rode the same bike from the first to the final season, the 2011 FXD Street Bob.

The bike has only one seat, which means Happy can’t carry anyone like Jax likes. Happy FXDs were sold at an auction in 2012, with proceeds going to a charity.

Harley-Davidson Screamin’ Eagle Road Glide (TO Cross)

TO's bike in Sons of Anarchy

After Jax abolished the “whites only” rule, TO made history by becoming the first African-American to join SAMCRO. The former Grim Bastards president has one of the coolest bikes on the show.

The car is orange and black, making it look more polished than gang-related. Orange is a nod to the official Grim Bastards colorway. The Screanin’ Eagle also has dual headlights instead of the single headlights on other bikes.

Custom Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bob (Chibs)

Chibbs meets drug dealer on bicycle

Some SAMCRO members have Harley-Davidson Dyna Street Bobs, but the one Chibs rides stands out because it doesn’t have a front bib. It also has a matte black Z-bar and riser.

St Andrew’s cross can also be seen on the saddle. A hint of his Scottish ancestry. Chibs is undoubtedly one of the most capable characters on the show, after suffering so much at the hands of Irish gangster Jimmy O. It was a pleasure to see him become president of SAMCRO on the end of the program.

1946 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead (John Taylor)

Son of anarchy

Jax’s father and SAMCRO founder John Teller aka JT died at the beginning of the episode, but his bike was a key part of the episode’s plot. Teller’s bike stored at the clubhouse is believed to be the one he was riding when he was involved in the crash that led to his death.

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After the accident, the bike was restored and preserved. Sadly, it was destroyed again when the assembly hall was bombed. JT’s bike is great because it’s one of two classic bikes in the line. It reminds viewers of the post-World War II era.

2003 Harley Davidson Dyna Super Glide Sport (Jax)

Charlie Hunnam as Jax Steller in Sons of Anarchy

Jax’s bike was so appealing that a stranger decided to take a picture with his girlfriend by his side. Sadly, he didn’t ask permission first. So Jax did what you would expect him to do in this situation. He hit him and left with his girlfriend.

What sets the 2003 Harley-Davidson Dyna Super Glide Sport apart from other bikes is that it features custom T-bars for better handling. Interestingly, actor Charlier Hunnam also loves bicycles in real life and he owns the kind of bike that he rode for seven seasons of the series.

Custom Chopper (Bobby)

Bobby's Children - Bobby

Bobby doesn’t usually have much to turn on viewers, except for the time he spends with Otto’s wife. On the show, he owns three different bikes, but the first one is his best. During his Elvis days, he roamed around in a custom helicopter he built from scratch.

This bike is built on a stiff tail that has a pylon hanger and a spring mount. The fork on the bike has been angled to give the chopper the perfect look. Like Chib’s Harley, Bobby’s bike doesn’t have a front bib.

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