Star Wars Theory Sets Up The Redemption Of Ahsoka’s Greatest Rival


  • The trailer for Tales of the Empire confirms that Barriss Offee is trained as an Inquisitor, but whether she fully becomes an Inquisitor remains uncertain.

  • If Barriss doesn’t complete her training, it could be because she will be redeemed in Legends of the Empire, which would also mirror Ahsoka’s journey in Legends of the Jedi.

  • Barriss is the perfect choice for Star Wars’ next redemption story because she always acts with compassion, even if it’s horribly misguided.

Barriss Offee’s descent into the dark side continues Star Wars: An Empire Story, but a new theory suggests she will be able to find redemption on the show.exist clone warsBarriss was a Jedi Knight and a close friend of Ahsoka Tano, but she eventually betrayed her and the Order, bombing the Jedi Temple and framing Ahsoka for it.According to story details empire story, the consequences of Barris’s treason will be explored in depth. Although she turned to the dark side, a new theory suggests it might not be a permanent decision.

since empire story is replacing Jedi story Season 2 will follow a similar format, with two main characters, Barriss Offee and Morgan Elsbeth, and multiple episodes. The trailer shows the beginning of Elsbeth’s alliance with Grand Admiral Thrawn, but also proves that Barriss is training as an Inquisitor, an agent of Darth Vader who hunts down Jedi who survived Order 66 warrior. While this does establish her connection to the Empire, the trailer also leaves plenty of room for Barriss to find her way back.

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Barris Offee was only confirmed to have received training as an Inquisitor

She is never shown as a full-fledged inquisitor

While the trailer does show Barriss training under the Grand Inquisitor and meeting Darth Vader, it doesn’t show her fully taking on the role. There’s also some hint in the trailer that Barriss won’t complete her training. Although she received one, she never wielded the Inquisitor’s double-edged red lightsaber, as even later shots were of the four sisters, not her. One possible explanation for why Barriss didn’t use her red lightsaber is that she didn’t hold it for very long. If Barriss hadn’t fully become an Inquisitor, she wouldn’t have had many opportunities to use it.

empire story Premieres May 4 on Disney+.

There are a few clues in the trailer besides Barris’ gear. In a later scene, Barriss runs towards a battle between the four sisters and an unknown Jedi Knight. It’s unclear why she walked toward them, but the fact that she didn’t draw her lightsaber may indicate that she won’t be helping the four sisters. There was also a massive Force explosion during the same sequence, and while the person who caused it was completely hidden in the shadows, it was likely Barriss. Together, these details may suggest that Barriss never completed his first mission with the four sisters.

If Barriss never fully completed her training or left on her first mission, there had to be a reason. The Inquisitor is disposable to Vader and the Empire, but bringing Barriss back just to kill her seems like a waste. A more likely reason is that something happened to cause Barriss to reconsider her decision and leave the Inquisitor. The Empire won’t let her leave, though, so her reasons for leaving must be particularly compelling, which may have come down to her character and the nature of the show itself.

Barriss’ redemption will mirror Jedi story

Barriss and Morgan Elsbeth may share a similar fate as Ahsoka and Count Dooku

Last few years, Star Wars focus more on the theme of balance, and Jedi story No exception. Jedi story It’s balanced in the sense that its two protagonists, Ahsoka and Count Dooku, directly mirror each other’s journeys. Dooku’s episode depicts his fall to the dark side, while Ahsoka’s episode shows her decision to rise up and join the Rebellion. Although neither of them are Jedi anymore, one turned to darkness and the other to light, keeping the balance of the Force.

empire story can have the same balance Jedi story depicted. Morgan Elsbeth is certainly a villain, and given the circumstances of her death, the end of her story is revealed. Ahsoka, so she will achieve the dark side of balance. There’s no set ending to Barriss’ story, though, so she can find redemption that would mirror Ahsoka’s journey and achieve the bright side of balance.Her redemption would even try to balance out the entire franchise, as it would go against Star Warshas recently taken a liking to the Inquisitors and Fallen Jedi, and offers a more hopeful story in their place.

Star Wars loves a redemption story, and Barris is the perfect choice

Barris has always been a sympathetic character and redemption suits her perfectly

Barriss’ fall to the dark side is very similar to Count Dooku in that she wasn’t seeking power but had legitimate criticisms of the Jedi Order and the Clone Wars.

Star Wars Full of redemption stories from recent additions like Crosshair’s Redemption bad batch Most famous example: Darth Vader becomes Anakin Skywalker again Return of the Jedi. There’s a long tradition of characters being brought back to the light, and Barriss Offee would be the perfect choice to continue that trend. Her betrayal of Ahsoka and the Jedi was outrageous, but it also gave her good reason to seek redemption.

Overall, Barris also deserves redemption. Her fall to the dark side is very similar to Count Dooku in that she was not seeking power but had legitimate criticisms of the Jedi Order and the Clone Wars. Her actions and anger, although misguided, were not motivated by hatred but by compassion. This empathy is a core part of Barris’s character; Star Wars A chance to make it shine again.Barris’ redemption will also remain empire story Avoid the story being too dark and have it end on a hopeful note Star Wars Known for.

Star Wars Empire Stories poster showcases Grand Admiral Thrawn, Ahsoka, Darth Vader, General Grievous and various other characters from the Empire's iconography

Legends of the Empire (2024) cast Jason Isaacs, Meredith Salenger, Lars Mikkelsen, Rhea Kierstedt, Diana Lee Inosando, Matthew Wood, Wing T.Chao

Release date May 4, 2024

Season 1

Streaming service Disney+

Director Dave Filoni

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