The Flash Season 9 Confirms Barry Allen’s Major Superhero Flaw

Warning: Spoiler for The Flash Season 9, Episode 5

How Barry Allen handled his final battle with the Red Death speed confirms one of his biggest flaws as a superhero. Over the years, Scarlet Speedster has been wildly successful in defending Central City from superpower threats like the Reverse-Flash and countless super villains. While he’s come a long way in his superhero journey, there are moments in the series that show Barry still has unresolved flaws.

Javicia Leslie’s Red Death Appears on speed Season 9 is a great test of Barry’s abilities and leadership. speed Season 9, Episode 5, titled “The Mask of the Red Death, Part 2,” sees Barry and his friends engage in a final showdown with the chapter’s newest speed racer. submit. After being fooled by the villains and her gang, Barry loses his team and must seek help from the Red Death’s secret ally, Gorilla Grodd. Thanks to Barry’s hunch that Grodd had indeed changed in season 6, Barry was able to turn him against her, leading to the downfall of the Red Death.

The Flash Season 9 proves the problem with Barry’s plan

Barry managed to defeat the Red Death, but the steps he had to take to defeat her highlighted a fundamental problem in his crime-fighting approach. In this episode, Barry deduces that the Red Death cannot be defeated, and that victory depends entirely on Gorilla Grodd switching sides. This strategy is reminiscent of how he faced off against Abra Kadabra in Season 6. After concluding that he couldn’t stop the villains, he focused on convincing the Pscyho Pirates to stop his plan. The fact that Barry’s chances of winning often depend so much on his enemies making the right choices doesn’t inspire confidence in his own abilities.

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Also, it’s worth noting that Team Flash’s desperate situation in the fight against the Red Reaper was caused by a major mistake by Barry earlier in the episode. Despite the advice of his allies, Barry chose to save IceBrian first – rather than fight the Red Death directly – and lead his team straight into the villain’s trap. Knowing this decision in advance, Ryan Wilder’s Red Death could easily outwit Barry and speed him up. Barry’s costly mistake eventually led to their fate falling into the hands of Gorilla Grodd.

The Flash Season 9 Could Easily Fix Barry’s Biggest Superhero Vulnerability

Flash Grant Gustin

This problem with Barry shows no sign of going away anytime soon, but even so, it’s not insurmountable. As the fastest man in the world and in his 9th year as a superhero, Barry is more than capable of winning whatever battle lies ahead. As the series draws to a close on Barry’s Arrow Universe journey, it’s important to speed Turn Scarlet Speedster into a hero in the face of the series’ final test. This could easily have been achieved if Grant Gustin’s Barry Allen had won the final battle thanks to his leadership skills and years of racing experience.

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