The Office: The 10 Best Events Planned By The Party Planning Committee

this officeThe famous party organizer has held many celebrations throughout its existence, from birthday parties to holiday festivities and everything in between. So we thought it was time to find out which side is better than the others in the PPC program.

While many of the parties at the Scranton branch take place off-camera, we’ll just focus on the events that happen in the episode. In addition, we will consider which parties the best rather than what is most interesting to the audience. For example, while we’re obsessed with Kelly’s birthday episode, which featured the iconic “Today is your birthday” sign, the celebration is really lame.

Finally, we will include any party sponsored by PPC exclusively or in conjunction with other committees or individuals. As long as the committee is involved in some aspect of the celebration, it will appear on the list. However, we won’t notice any hits after Pam officially ends PPC in “A Graceful Christmas” (S7E11/12).

With that said, it’s time to head to Scranton and count down to the greatest event ever hosted by the Party Planning Commission.

Meredith’s Surprise Party

The first party event to appear on screen was Meredith’s birthday celebration in “The Coalition” (S1E4).

Although Michael was a little hard on Meredith during the event, the core of the party was simple and fun. There are banners, hats, cakes, Snapples; Who could want more?

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Of course, Meredith has a dairy allergy so she couldn’t have dessert for her birthday, which is really unfortunate. But for the rest of the office, it’s not too bad.

Stanley’s birthday party

Because when Stanley’s birthday happens in “Weight Loss” (S5E1/2), the group is participating in a weight loss contest with other affiliates and Michael insists that what they are eating isn’t real cake. As such, his boardroom celebration is full of fruit.

However, Phyllis was smart enough to decide to throw a cheesecake party in the warehouse downstairs. Sneaking (and eating cake) has to be a little fun.

Phyllis .’s wedding party

The party planning committee decided to hold a small celebration for Phyllis in honor of her upcoming marriage to Bob Vance in “Ben Franklin” (S3E14). It has champagne, tea sandwiches, pretty decorations and cakes.

Things get a little weird – well, so many Oddly enough, after Jim decided to send a Ben Franklin impersonator to the party instead of the stripper Michael requested. However, this adds to the entertainment value of the party and is definitely memorable.

Christmas Party 2008

While the 2008 Christmas party turned into an intervention session on Meredith’s drinking, it was always noisy.

Moroccan theme is original with lots of delicious food and drinks. Plus, the decorations were colorful and everyone was in high spirits—until Michael decided to end it all in a unique way.

michael birthday party

Michael is more excited about his birthday party than anyone else, especially since Kevin is waiting for the results of his skin cancer test. Because of this, normal birthday celebrations are hindered.

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Not wanting this to ruin his big day, Michael decided to lift the mood by taking the group to the ice rink. It’s certainly an interesting change from the usual celebrations that take place inside the office.

Christmas Party 2005

The Office Season 2 Christmas Party

“Christmas Party (S2E10)” is the first episode to feature a holiday scene. Although it’s not the best, it has its highlights.

While the party begins with a secret friendly Santa Claus gift exchange, the event goes downhill and tensions rise after Michael turns it into a white elephant gift exchange.

Although the staff were initially displeased with the change, the celebration began after Michael brought in the wine, Phyllis introduced Bob Vance to her co-workers, and Parker showed up. This leads to a lot of dancing and the kind of frenzy that Michael has always wanted.

Christmas Party 2009

Jim and Dwight throw a Christmas party in “Secret Santa” (S6E13), and it doesn’t disappoint. While Michael was annoyed that Phyllis became Santa instead of him, the office was decorated with lots of tinsel, stockings and wreaths. Plus, there’s a formal space to take pictures with “Santa Claus,” tree lights, presents, snacks, and the aptly named Twelve Drummers.

Of course, the uncertain future of Dunder Mifflin isn’t easy to deal with, but the party is still buzzing.

Oscar’s Welcome Home Party

When Oscar returns to the office from vacation (because Michael is trying to kiss him), Dande Mifflin’s team throws a Mexican-themed welcome back party for the accountant.

The Homecoming festival (S3E13) is in full swing, featuring wide-brimmed hats, piñatas, maracas, and delicious food.

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While the party isn’t fun for Karen (she’s forced to come to terms with Jim’s feelings for Pam), it’s still a unique and fun party. Dwight had just left his job at Staples and celebrated his return to Dunder Mifflin by destroying a piñata.

Christmas Party 2006

While there’s a lot of drama surrounding the event in “A Benihana Christmas” (S3E10), it turns out to be quite hilarious.

After Angela removes Karen from the party’s planning committee, Pam joins her in a rival party planning group. This led to two parties, one with a variety of delicious treats (including double macaroons) and the other with karaoke and vodka.

While the surrogate is forced to use Darryl’s piano talent for karaoke, Angela soon reveals that she’s been playing chords for the karaoke machine and the two join forces. This creates an unforgettable holiday celebration.

Toby’s Farewell Party

In “Goodbye, Toby” (S4E14) under Phyllis’ control, the party planning committee throws a grand party for HR representatives to celebrate his departure from the company. Michael wanted this party to be the best party ever, because he was so excited about Toby’s passing, so it turned out like this: the greatest party in history PPC history.

The event is very popular, with bands, mini ferris wheel and bouncing houses in the parking lot. Plus, since Jim had planned to propose to Pam during the event, he threw in extra money to set off some giant fireworks. However, it all ended with a marriage proposal between Andy and Angela. What a time!

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