Download the article explore the history of this Celtic symbol of love (and how to bind yourself)
This article is author writer Wikihow Staff, Glenn Carreau. Glenn Carreau is a Wikihow staff writer, currently headquartered in Los Angeles. With more than four years of experience in writing several internet publications, it has covered topics ranging from world history to entertainment industry. Glenn graduated from Columbia College Chicago, gained a diploma in interactive art and the media and a minor in professional writing. Today, Glenn continues to feed his lifelong love for learning as he serves Wikihow many readers. This article is a proven fact, ensuring the accuracy of all the facts cited and confirming the powers of its sources. Find out more …
The odds are that you saw the Celtic node of Trinity sometime before: three interconnected loops make up an elegant Triangle shape. But what does that mean? And where did he come from? The Celtic Trinity Node has a long and rich history, as well as multiple symbolic meanings associated with it, from eternal love and piety to unity and cycle of existence. In this article, we will cover the different meanings of the Celtic junction of Trinity and their origin, so read further to find out more.
The Celtic Trinity Node is an ancient symbol consisting of three interconnected loops or “leaves”. It represents unity, eternal love, a cycle of existence (life, death and rebirth) and the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Sometimes it is associated with a triple goddess.
Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education