Watch moment huge ‘meteo-tsunami’ sends tourists scrambling & washes away sunbeds in hols hotspot Menorca

THIS is the shocking moment panicked tourists take to the run as a huge “meteo-tsunami” hits the resort of Menorca.

Sunbeds, slides and umbrellas could be seen being washed away by the rushing water as tourists watched from dry land, clinging to their soaked belongings.

The moment when the water crashes onto the beach carrying deckchairs


The moment when the water falls on the beach and carries away the sunbeds Credit: tourists were left running as the meteo-tsunami swept all the way to the Menorca rest area


Panicked tourists were left scrambling as the meteo-tsunami swept all the way to the Menorca holiday retreatCredit: water quickly created chaos on the beach, dragging slides, umbrellas and deck chairs


The water quickly caused chaos on the beach, pulling down slides, umbrellas and deck chairs Credit:

A storm hit Ciutadella harbor in Menorca on Wednesday, submerging rows of sunbeds under water.

They witnessed at least five large meteo-tsunamis with oscillations over three feet, according to the Spanish national meteorological agency Aemet.

In the video, tourists can be seen running along the beach trying to find higher ground as waves begin to crash into the shore.

The water quickly pushes the sand, pulling huge inflatable slides and pieces of wood into the sea.

Warnings were put in place overnight and Aemet said pulses would continue until 8am on Thursday.

It came less than 24 hours after a second meteo-tsunami hit the coast of Majorca.

Sea levels rose sharply and flooded parts of Puerto Alcúdia, on the northeast coast of the popular holiday island.

Ocean waters can be seen engulfing coastal roads as tourists circled around them to avoid drowning.

What is a meteo-tsunami?

METEO-TSUNAMIS is a strange weather phenomenon that causes large tsunami-like waves.

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They are triggered by air pressure disturbances caused by fast-moving weather events, such as thunderstorms, and occur when rapid changes in barometric pressure cause water masses to move.

Most tsunamis are geological, meaning they are triggered by vertical movement on the sea floor, which can be caused by earthquakes or landslides.

The difference with meteo-tsunami is that they are created by weather conditions.

A small, rapid change in atmospheric pressure – even by a few millibars – can change the height of the sea surface by several centimeters.

This elevation may go unnoticed in deep water, but in shallower water near the coast, it can cause significant sea level rise, often by several feet.

They can reach heights of six feet or more, and have been observed in many places around the world, including the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic coast, and the Mediterranean.

But back in 2018, a meteo-tsunami ravaged several resorts, with waves crashing against bars and terraces along the coast in the island’s port of Andratx.

A German father-of-two has died after being swept away by the sea in Majorca – just hours after a tsunami devastated the island’s beaches.

A massive wave – of almost five feet – hit Menorca’s port town of Ciutadella.

Yacht owners were filmed desperately trying to stop the water from washing away.

A strong current tore the ropes of a historic sailboat used by the Majorca Island Council – which had to be rescued and brought back to port by sailors as it drifted out to sea.

One shocking footage shows desperate boat owners struggling to keep their yachts from being washed away as a wave crashed into the dock at Port Andratx, Majorca.

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Majorca was recently hit by heavy rain, causing travel chaos as hundreds of tourists were left stranded.

The runways of Palma de Mallorca airport were seen submerged under water as planes were canceled or diverted due to “zero visibility”.

Airport bosses have suspended all operations after severe flooding turned the airport’s runway into a river.

Images show planes grounded on a swampy runway while airport workers are seen wading through knee-deep floods.

Frustrated passengers were pictured taking shelter from the rain at the airport, which handles around 30 million passengers each year.

In Murcia, cars were stuck on waterlogged streets as rubbish bins floated down the road as the storms continued into the next day.

Flooding also hit other holiday hotspots on the Costa Blanca, including Benidorm, Valencia and Alicante.

Mini tsunamis eventually drove the tourists off the beach


Mini tsunamis eventually drove the tourists off the beachCredit: swollen ocean had spilled onto the streets of the Majorca resort just 24 hours earlier


A swollen ocean spilled onto the streets of a Mallorcan resort just 24 hours earlierCredit: Solar PixFlooding caused by the meteo-tsunami was seen engulfing the roads


Flooding caused by the meteo-tsunami was seen engulfing roadsCredit: Solar PixThe islands were also hit by a 5-foot wave in the 2018 meteo-tsunami.


The islands were also hit by a 5-foot wave in the 2018 meteo-tsunami.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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