WH.shared.addLazyImage('66d10efe066b7') Photographic Memory Test

Do you have a photographic memory? Take this quiz to find out! Start the quiz

How good is your memory? Can you picture your calendar in your head? Can you look at a photo and remember everything about it? If so, it might be because you have a photographic memory.

Photographic memory is when you can recall past images and events with great detail and accuracy. In this quiz we will test your memory to determine if you have a photographic memory or not. Simply look at some photos and then answer a question about them – it’s that simple!

Please note that this quiz is just for fun and is not a medical or psychological test.

A pair of hands hold a reel of film towards the sun.

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The link has been copied! Start Quiz 1. Take a few seconds to study this photo, then click any button to continue.

  1. I’m ready for a question.
  2. I’m ready for a question.
  3. I’m ready for a question.
  4. I’m ready for a question.

2. How many candles were on the cake?

  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 1
  4. 0

3. Look at this photo. When you’re ready, click any of the buttons below.

  1. I’m ready for a question.
  2. I’m ready for a question.
  3. I’m ready for a question.
  4. I’m ready for a question.

4. There was a hat in the photo. What color ribbon was on it?

  1. green
  2. Purple
  3. Yellow
  4. White

5. Study this picture carefully. Then click any button to continue.

  1. I’m ready for a question.
  2. I’m ready for a question.
  3. I’m ready for a question.
  4. I’m ready for a question.

6. The time in which city is shown on the clock on the far left?

  1. London
  2. Moscow
  3. New York
  4. Osaka
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7. Look at this picture carefully. Then click any button to continue.

  1. I’m ready for a question.
  2. I’m ready for a question.
  3. I’m ready for a question.
  4. I’m ready for a question.

8. What color was the flower not in a bouquet?

  1. Yellow
  2. Blue
  3. Pink
  4. red

9. Look at this photo. When you’re ready, click any of the buttons to continue.

  1. I’m ready for a question.
  2. I’m ready for a question.
  3. I’m ready for a question.
  4. I’m ready for a question.

10. What color was the glowing sign in the upper right corner of the photo?

  1. green
  2. Blue
  3. Purple
  4. Orange

11. Look at this photo. When you’re ready, click any of the buttons below.

  1. I’m ready for a question.
  2. I’m ready for a question.
  3. I’m ready for a question.
  4. I’m ready for a question.

12. One man was wearing a hoodie over his head. What color is it?

  1. Orange
  2. Blue
  3. White
  4. Black

13. Study this picture carefully. Then click any button to continue.

  1. I’m ready for a question.
  2. I’m ready for a question.
  3. I’m ready for a question.
  4. I’m ready for a question.

14. How many tomatoes were in the picture?

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 1

15. Take a few seconds to study this photo, then click any button to continue.

  1. I’m ready for a question.
  2. I’m ready for a question.
  3. I’m ready for a question.
  4. I’m ready for a question.

16. How many people were wearing sunglasses in the photo?

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 1

17. Take a few seconds to study this photo, then click any button to continue.

  1. I’m ready for a question.
  2. I’m ready for a question.
  3. I’m ready for a question.
  4. I’m ready for a question.

18. How many books were on the table?

  1. 8
  2. 7
  3. 6
  4. 5
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19. Study this picture carefully. Then click any button to continue.

  1. I’m ready for a question.
  2. I’m ready for a question.
  3. I’m ready for a question.
  4. I’m ready for a question.

20. One woman in the photo was wearing sunglasses. What color was her purse?

  1. White
  2. Black
  3. Orange
  4. Purple

Start the quiz

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Photographic memory is when you can recall detailed information about memories or pictures. When you were younger, did you ever play those memory card games? If so, you have already been introduced to the concept of photographic memory! Let’s say you placed a group of cards in a certain order, then you spared them all and shuffled them. When asked to lay them back in the order they were before, someone with a photographic memory will be able to do it flawlessly. This is because when they close their eyes, they can see a clear memory image from the past that contains the original order of the cards—as if they were looking at a photograph. I can see this photo days, months or even years later.

Similarly, there are those with eidetic memory, meaning they have the ability to retain memories for short periods of time. Those with eidetic memory can recall visual sensations and other sensations associated with memory. But unlike photographic memory, when memory becomes long-term, details are forgotten.

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Now photographic memory is challenging to declare and confirm – there is no single test to determine if someone has a photographic memory. Scientists believe that photographic memories are more present in children and that they disappear with age. On average, studies show that about 2 to 10% of children have a photographic memory; however, there have been no studies in adults.

For more information on photographic keepsakes, check out these resources:

  • https://www.simplypsychology.org/eidetic-memory-vs-photographic-memory.html
  • https://www.newscientist.com/definition/photographic-memory/
  • https://www.communicatingpsychologicalscience.com/blog/misconceptions-regarding-photographic-memory
  • https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/open-gently/201504/theres-no-such-thing-photographic-memory
  • https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-there-such-a-thing-as/

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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