What If Walt Never Saved Jesse & Stayed With Gus In Breaking Bad?

one of the defining moments of breaking Bad Walter White murdered Gustavo Fring’s dealer in season three to save Jesse Pinkman’s life, but what if Had it not happened, things could have played out completely differently.Walter (Bryan Cranston) and Jesse (Aaron Paul) share an intimate, near-father-son relationship, and while they may argue and even fight throughout the series, Walter remains close to Jesse. Love, and even save him in the finale, “Felina,” from Jack’s white supremacist gang. However, if Walter’s logical side deduces that Jesse is more trouble than he’s worth in season three, then the narrative direction breaking Bad Things will be very different.

In the 12th episode of season three, “Half Measures,” Jesse confronts two rival drug dealers hired by Gustavo Flynn (Giancarlo Esposito) who kill Jesse. Child of Tomás, younger brother of West’s lover Andrea. However, before the two drug dealers can kill Jesse, Walter runs them over in his car, instantly killing one of them, before executing the other at gunpoint. Then he said only one word to Jesse: “runningThis further leads Gus to think that Walter is too confused to work with, and he instructs Mike Elmantrout (Jonathan Banks) to finish him off. However, Walter calls Jesse just in time, and Instructing him to kill Gail Boetticher, Walt’s replacement, forces an enraged Gus to continue working with Jesse and Walt.

breaking Bad Season 4 then began a cat-and-mouse game between “Mr. White” and Flynn, with Gus starting to groom Pinkman to replace Walter. Eventually, Walter used Gus’ rivalry with Hector Salamanca against him, and after discovering their connection from Jesse, planted a bomb under Cuttledown’s wheelchair, killing them both. Killed. If Walter White hadn’t kicked off the series by rescuing Jesse in season three, things would still have gone bad for him, because if there’s one thing Walter can never be content with, it’s his own ego.

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Walter White will still try to kill Gus

There’s no doubt that even if Walt decided Jesse’s life wasn’t worth saving, he would still have tried to kill Gus eventually. As the producer of the purest blue meth ever produced in Albuquerque and beyond, Walter knew he was an extremely talented chemist. His dissatisfaction with his ordinary life as a chemistry teacher with wife Skylar White, son Walter Jr., and daughter Holly is the driving force behind his decision to break free, no matter what he tells Jesse, Skylar, and himself What myself. So working for someone else was never enough for the arrogant White.

Walter will eventually tire of Gus’s mind games, even though he’s on good terms with the Los Polos Hermanos boss, because he’ll never kill Gale or Gus’s dealer.as walter said breaking Bad season five, “i am in imperial business’, showing that his appetite for power was boundless, and that he wouldn’t be content to be a meth chef—even one who made a lot of money. While the details would vary (not involving then-deceased meth chef Jesse Pinkman), Walter will still try to assassinate Gus, but the result this time may not be in his favor.

Walter White May Die Sooner (And Change Breaking Bad)

Walter White had a complete meltdown in Breaking Bad.

Without Jesse’s help, Walt would apparently die at the hands of Gus’ minions. Working closely with Mike, Jesse discovered that Gus frequented Hector Salamanca’s nursing home. Gus’ major mistake was not only giving in to his hatred for Hector, who killed his drug production partner and would-be lover Max Arniniga, but letting Jesse see it. If Jesse isn’t around to tell Walter this vital information, the cunning chemistry teacher’s luck will run out, and it’s only a matter of time before Mike, Victor, or Gus himself will be responsible for Walter White’s death.

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How Gus Living Will Change the Final Season of ‘Breaking Bad’

Gustavo Fring smiles in

Killing off Walter White and Jesse Pinkman and shifting the focus to Gustavo Flynn would change breaking Bad forever. If Vince Gilligan had written the story this way, Walt’s journey would have been just as tragic, but far less satisfying.Jesse and Walt’s deaths feel like a moment from earlier seasons game of Thrones, any character can die.if breaking Bad Season five would still continue, and the only character to follow would be Gus himself, which would be a rather surprising twist, and his massacre of the Mexican cartel, including Don Eladio, could serve as a fitting series finale.

In addition, this huge change will also have a profound impact on future development directions. Better call Saul. If Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk) teams up with Walt when he tries to take out Gus, things may not go well for the corrupt lawyer. He could be killed by Gus, or he could be given a new life with the help of identity agent Ed Galbraith, ironically putting him in the same situation as in Flash Forward. Better call Saul. However, with Mike surviving this version of the story, he might be able to mitigate the consequences for Saul, possibly prompting him to flee town and become Chuck McGill’s brother Jimmy McGill once again.

Skylar’s life is about to change

Anna Gunn as Skylar White in Breaking Bad

Jesse’s death will change Skylar’s life forever, though perhaps more slowly than Walt’s transformation into Heisenberg breaking Bad. Walt will likely have a successful working relationship with Gus for a while, and Skylar won’t find out how deep his knowledge of the meth and murder business is. Skylar’s world is only shaken when his sense of self is affected and killed by Gus. Walter’s criminal activities will likely remain a secret and she will continue to launder money with Saul’s help, never being able to tell her family Hank Schrader, Mary Schrader and Walter Jr. what happened to her husband What.

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Hank probably didn’t realize that Walter was Heisenberg

Hank finds the RV in 'Breaking Bad'

Hank and Steve Gomez only discovered that Walt was Heisenberg after a series of events occurred after Gale Boetticher was murdered by Jesse. So it stands to reason that if Jesse was killed before taking out Gale, Hank would never have been taken down the rabbit hole of Gus Fring’s empire, and Los Polos Hermanos would still be Flynn’s meth The successful front line of empire. Since Hank only started working on his PTSD through the case after his shootout with the silent Salamanca twins, Jesse’s death could mean that Hank will continue to feel depressed and traumatized. Walter’s eventual death only complicates the situation, as Hank still thinks of his brother-in-law as a good, hard-working chemistry teacher rather than the drug lord Heisenberg.

What will happen to Jesse?

Jesse looks serious in the 'Breaking Bad' series finale

While it’s possible that Jesse killed both of Gus’ thugs, it’s unlikely.Although Pinkman is a beloved with pals Skinny Pete and Badger breaking Bad Personality, he is not a killer. He was viscerally shocked by the number of times he killed, like crying when he murdered Gale and strangling Todd Alquist in a fit of rage. In contrast, Walter seems to think that killing is just an inconvenience, going so far as to poison the kid Brock Cantillo and let Jane Margolis die.Therefore, Jesse will almost certainly die at Gus’ hands, which means that the events that occurred El Camino: Breaking bad Movie It will never happen, Todd and Jack and their gang will never get involved with Walter, and Brock will never get poisoned.While the death of Jesse (and eventually Walter) would mean a happy ending for Gus, Mike, and maybe Thor, things will change breaking Bad Never, and never will, be as satisfying as the actual events of the show.

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