What you see first in this optical illusion will determine whether you’re a passive peacemaker or an assertive leader

The first thing you notice in this optical illusion can reveal whether you are a passive peacemaker or a confident leader.

This amazing puzzle claims to be able to determine your true personality in seconds.


Do you think the man is sitting inside or outside the house? Credits: Erik Johansson

It consists of an illustration of a man at a table and a house.

But the puzzle left many viewers scratching their heads as they tried to make sense of what they were seeing.

The optical illusion then sparked a debate over whether the man was sitting inside or outside the property.

And what you saw first may indicate some key personality traits, according to JagranJosh.

If you think that a man is sitting in the house, then you are a “peacemaker”.

You avoid arguments and conflicts and prefer to stay on the peaceful side of things.

Contrary to what is believed, this does not mean that you are a coward or that you do not know how to take a position.

Instead, psychology experts say it implies that you don’t like resorting to violence and would rather go halfway.

If you prefer to take the logical side, this choice means that you can be an excellent negotiator, a truly valuable trait.

Meanwhile, if she saw a man outside the house, it is said to indicate courage and daring.

You are an assertive leader who can be considered a “risk taker.”

Most of the time you know what you want, even if it sounds illogical or impractical to others.

You trust your own judgment and prefer to live life without regrets.

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Experts also say that this choice means you can see things in black or white and are likely to opt for a practical, fact-based approach to situations.

But if you’ve seen a man both outside and inside the house, psychologists say you’re “creative” and “thinking outside the box.”

You are a unique individual, you pay attention to details and don’t miss important facts, and your memory is probably very good.

If you found this optical illusion interesting, why not try one of these fun games?

People were left confused trying to spot the stranger in this image of a pepper.

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And what you see first in an optical illusion says a lot about your personality, so are you friendly or emotionally volatile?

While this optical illusion could reveal whether you are stubborn or running from your emotions, depending on what you see first.

And you might have hawk eyes if you can see a cat in this muddy field; it will kick itself when it finds it.

There are three differences in this cartoon, but the hardest part is getting them all in just five seconds.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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