Who’s The Breakout Star Of Dubai Bling (It May Not Be Who You Think It Is)

Ebraheem Al Samadi is the breakout star of Dubai Bling, and he is the ultimate villain on the show. He is at the center of all the drama in the series and continues to stir the pot all season long. Because he wanted to barge into Zeina Khoury’s office, fans got to see the iconic fight where coffees and purses were thrown. That was far from the only time he caused a scene, as many fans felt he was attention-seeking but were still locked into what he was doing.

Ebraheem has the highest net worth on Dubai Bling at over $50 million with his flower shop Forever Rose. The 34-year-old is certainly not a fan-favorite, but he made for entertaining drama. In a Reddit thread posted by u/TorynotTrotsky titled “unpopular opinion-Ebraheem was my favourite,” other users agreed that he may not have been likable, but he also didn’t hold back on the show. Users agreed, with one saying “danya and ebraheem can be messy but at least they’re REAL.” Some fans of the show had trouble rooting for any of the cast members, so they said they “enjoyed watching Ebraheem being the punisher that made their lives miserable.”

Ebraheem Tries To Buy Zeina’s Company

Ebraheem went out of his way to create drama on Dubai Bling when he got up from dinner to tell Farhana Bodi how Zeina and Safa Siddiqui were saying negative things about her. He created more juicy drama, which led Zeina and Safa to barge into Forever Rose café while he was working and confront him about it. He owned up to spreading the gossip, but was so angry at the pair that he charged into Zeina’s office later and tried to buy her company just so he could be her boss. His actions led to the most dramatic moment in the entire season, when Danya Mohammed poured a coffee on Zeina, and they had to be escorted out of the building by security.

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Ebraheem Is Dubai Bling’s Villain

Ebraheem Dubai Bling

While fans love having someone to root for on reality TV, there is something to be said for an exciting TV villain, and fans are loving to hate on Ebraheem. Just like Kane Lim on Bling Empire, everything in the show seems to center around Ebraheem, and he certainly loves to be the center of attention. While Kane had his infamous feud with Christine Chiu, Ebraheem had his with Zeina, and it helps make the season more interesting.

Ebraheem Aims For Redemption

Ebraheem Dubai Bling

Ebraheem attempted to show his growth over the course of the first Dubai Bling season. Gone was the guy who smashed pottery when someone got on his nerves and posted pictures of his friend’s enemies. His sweet friendship with Danya almost made fans sympathize with him, especially after he wrote her a heartfelt note that brought them both to tears. Ebraheem ended the season by making a public apology to Zeina, and he continues to be one of the most talked about Dubai Bling stars in the franchise.

Source: u/TorynotTrotsky/Reddit

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