7 Superpowers Wolverine Still Hasn’t Used 23 Years After Hugh Jackman First Donned The Claws


  • Wolverine’s enhanced taste buds have yet to be explored in the movie, but they could be useful in detecting poisons or other substances.

  • Wolverine’s enhanced sense of touch isn’t shown on screen either, but it could be used in scenes involving detective work.

  • Wolverine’s longevity allows him to acquire a variety of skills that may be featured in future titles, such as Deadpool 3.

After 23 years, it’s safe to say that Hugh Jackman is the longest-running actor to play a superhero on screen, but despite his legendary tenure, Wolverine still has some superpowers that he has yet to use.although Logan In what appears to be a swan song for Jackman’s Wolverine, he was dragged into the Marvel Universe by Deadpool.Details on Wolverine’s involvement Deadpool 3 Very rarely, most of the hype revolved around his comic-book-like costume depicted in the explosive teaser poster. But Wolverine’s appearance in the movies does give him a chance to use some of his lesser-known powers from the comics.

beyond what is possible Deadpool 3However, a version of Wolverine will undoubtedly appear in the MCU’s much-anticipated post-X-Men multiverse saga. There’s no doubt that the Marvel Universe will have carte blanche when it comes to exploring this version of Wolverine, which means every one of his abilities will be brought back to life. Of all of Wolverine’s powers shown in the comics, Fox has explored many of them in some capacity, and some may have gone unexplored for pretty good reasons.

7 Wolverine Enhances Taste Buds

Most of Wolverine’s enhanced senses are already deployed at Fox’s X-Men From his impeccable sense of smell to his long-distance vision. He was even aware of the conversations happening around him as he immersed himself in Stryker’s revamped Weapon X facility. One sense he has yet to find a use for, however, is his enhanced taste. Wolverine doesn’t seem to be a foodie at all, but he can hang out with the best critics if he wants to.

Not becoming a superpower, just for fun – it’s certainly possible Deadpool 3 – This ability has some useful applications. Detecting poison, for example, is one of them – although anyone looking to poison Wolverine or Deadpool would obviously be unfamiliar with both men’s healing factors. As such, it’s unlikely that his taste buds will enjoy any time in the spotlight in future appearances other than in casual mentions.

6 Wolverine enhances touch

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, paw raised at the end of 'Logan'

Another of Wolverine’s unexplored super senses is his enhanced sense of touch. Simply put, Wolverine can detect the tiniest details by touching any surface. While not the most exciting ability, it’s possible to see this ability pop up in any scenario that might involve detective work. In addition to his other heightened senses, Wolverine shares some of the same things as Daredevil – another character who might survive a soft reboot of the MCU, though Wolverine’s superpowers might be eliminated by Murdo Beyond the limit.

5 Wolverine is resistant to mysterious curse

The vampire Wolverine in Marvel comics bites Jean Grey.

In his comic book adventures, Wolverine suffered from both werewolves and vampires after being bitten by their carriers. While this does turn him into a werewolf and a vampire respectively (with the werewolf being particularly terrifying, to say the least), his massive healing factor allows for a shelf life in both. Meanwhile, lower creatures may suffer a lifetime (or eternity) of pain unless they escape it through some mystical hoop-hopping.

Unfortunately, wolverines may not be showing up anytime soon. The Marvel Universe is no stranger to the occult, and even recently introduced its own werewolf in Werewolf by Night .However, it’s not that unlikely that Jack Russell and Logan would meet, and at the same time, it’s unlikely that Deadpool 3 Fox’s “X-Men” is expected to struggle due to the introduction of werewolves and vampires into the mix. While it’s likely to be a hit, a tongue-in-cheek reference to the character of Morbius is also unlikely, with Sony still hoping to fully integrate the character into their own Spider-Man universe.

4. Wolverine will acquire many skills during his long life

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth Tiger in the war montage of

Being able to live longer due to the slow aging process has many benefits. For one, it offers some of the benefits of immortality without the notion of infinity that weighs down the soul at all times. On the other hand, it means skills can be honed to an unparalleled degree – something Wolverine has used to great effect in the comics. Wolverine’s years of close combat have proven that he’s capable of wielding weapons and fighting the best of warriors, but Wolverine has other skills that haven’t been showcased on screen yet.

This is something that can easily be incorporated into future looks. It’s not difficult for Wolverine to explain his ability to do anything that requires years of practice. Deadpool 3 Or any other future look. It certainly doesn’t take up as much screen time as other abilities on this list, but if Wolverine becomes a master flyer when he needs it, it’s unlikely to receive too much scrutiny.

3 Wolverine might go feral

Wild Wolverine Bone Claw

One interesting effect imparted by Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton is its unexpected ability to prevent Wolverine from transforming into something more animalistic, or at least more animalistic than usual. In one of the most horrific scenes in comics, after the adamantium from Wolverine’s skeleton is removed by Magneto, Wolverine begins to undergo a slow transformation into his most beastly self. This caused him to lose much of his humanity, becoming feral and extremely dangerous to anyone nearby.

Wolverine’s bone claws were previously X-Men franchise, but they didn’t consume his essence before his bones turned into adamantium. In future movies, Wolverine may find himself suffering the same torture at the hands of Magneto, and if so, it could end up turning him into a Hulk-like foe. Wolverine’s raging rage is known for helping him get out of some serious troubles, but a completely out-of-control angry Wolverine is a particularly terrifying concept.

2 Wolverine can host the Phoenix Force

Phoenix Force Logan

Although the Phoenix Force has appeared a few times in Star Wars. X-Men franchise, so far limited to Jean Grey. However, in the comics, this extremely powerful spiritual entity also takes over Wolverine, giving him cosmic powers centered around unstoppable fire. Even scarier, however, is Wolverine’s ability to end the world.

Given Fox’s X-Men Have done this twice. Wolverine also came into contact with the Phoenix Force in an alternate universe in the comics, keeping him out of the main continuity of the story that Marvel is more likely to focus on. However, a Phoenix Force-powered Wolverine would certainly pose some dire risks if it decided to once again explore the Phoenix Force and its impact on other heroes.

1 Wolverine can wield superheated claws

One characteristic of Wolverine that’s often portrayed in movies, and one that Jackman is particularly good at portraying, is his violent rage, a state that increases his strength and often pulls him and others out of difficult situations. A series of recent events in the comics have given this rage a new and terrifying effect: His rage causes his claws to heat up to thousands of degrees. There is a downside to this effect, however, as his regenerative abilities suffer as a result.

Of all of Wolverine’s unexplored powers in the movies so far, this seems the most likely. It’s difficult for heroes like Wolverine and Deadpool to introduce threats that can’t be neutralized by their superior healing factors. An insanely angry, insanely dangerous Wolverine with superheated claws but a reduced healing factor could create the perfect environment for Marvel to up the ante and put Wolverine and his enemies in real danger .Given that he appears in the comics with fiery claws after his resurrection, his reappearance in the comics Deadpool 3 The MCU could be the ideal setting for a new Wolverine.

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