All Delibird Presents Locations in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

There are multiple Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Delibird Presents locations scattered throughout the region of Paldea in the Generation 9 games. The shops are an essential part of the player experience since it is there that Trainers can buy valuable items for their Pokémon and their respective builds and needs. In fact, a few essential items can only be acquired at these stores.

There are six units of this shop chain spread across Paldea, so players looking to find Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Delibird Presents locations shouldn’t struggle very much. However, there are a few differences regarding catalog options throughout stores in different Paldean cities. This means that Trainers looking for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Shell Bell, for instance, may not find it unless they go to the appropriate shop.

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: Delibird Presents Items Sold In Shops

Before distinguishing Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Delibird Presents locations throughout Paldea, it is important to point out that all shops have a common inventory. Because of this, each store’s General Items and Poké Balls sections are identical. As such, players who need to stock up on Poké Balls or find EV training items, like Power Weight, can go to whatever unit they desire. Here is a list of the complete General Goods and Poké Balls inventory and their respective prices:

General Goods in all Delibird Presents

Bottle Cap


Fire Stone


Thunder Stone


Leaf Stone


Water Stone


Sweet Apple


Tart Apple


Red Nectar


Yellow Nectar


Pink Nectar


Purple Nectar


Smoke Ball


Pokémon Scarlet and Violet‘s Soothe Bell




Power Weight


Power Bracer


Power Belt


Power Lens


Power Band


Power Anklet


Poké Balls in all Delibird Presents

Poké Ball


Great Ball


Ultra Ball


Heal Ball


Net Ball


Repeat Ball


Nest Ball


Luxury Ball


Dive Ball


Quick Ball


Dusk Ball


Timer Ball


Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: Mesagoza Delibird Presents Locations And Exclusive Items

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's map showing Mesagoza's first Delibird Presents.

In Mesagoza, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s largest starter location, players can find the shop. In fact, there are three different Delibird Presents Locations in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Mesagoza. The first and most immediate one is very close to the southern entrance. Players who come into the city for the first time will want to turn right towards the East and follow the street. On their left, there will be the first shop.

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The second one can be reached by flying to Mesagoza’s west Pokémon Center and continuing to proceed west along the street. They will find Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s second Delibird Presents location in Mesagoza. The third unit of the store is immediately south of the second one, so players only need to follow the street down from that one to find it on their left side. In any of these three shops, players can buy General Goods, like Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Fire Stone, but the Battle Items and Rotom Phone cases are different from the ones offered by other Delibird Presents in other Paldean cities. Here are the exclusive items sold in Mesagoza’s Delibird Presents shops and their respective prices:

Battle Items in Mesagoza

Miracle Seed




Mystic Water


Silk Scarf


Sharp Beak


Silver Powder


Muscle Band


Wise Glasses


Punching Glove


Expert Belt


Focus Band


Focus Sash


Choice Band


Choice Specs


Choice Scarf


Pokémon Scarlet and Violet‘s Life Orb


Ability Shield


Clear Amulet


Rocky Helmet




Assault Vest


Quick Claw


Razor Claw


Grip Claw


King’s Rock


Weakness Policy


Blunder Policy


Throat Spray


Destiny Knot


Rotom Phone cases in Mesagoza

Spritgatito Case


Fuecoco Case


Quaxly Case


Yellow Case


Green Case


Purple Case


Pink Case


Blue Case


Turquoise Case


Olive Case


Rose Case


Brown Case


Lavender Case


Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: Levincia Delibird Presents Location And Exclusive Items

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's map showing Levincia's Delibird Presents shop.

The next city to have one of Delibird Presents franchises is Levincia, in the east coast area of Paldea. The city is home to Iono, the charismatic Electric-type Gym Leader, who is also an influencer and streamer. This specific Delibird Presents’ location in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is in the northern portion of the city. Players who fast travel by flying to the Levincia (North) Pokémon Center should follow the street to the east, and the store will be on a corner to their right. Next to it is also a sandwich shop. This Delibird Presents is the only one that sells Metal Coat, so players who want the best Perrserker build in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet may need to go there to shop. Following are the exclusive Battle Items and Rotom Phone cases sold in Levincia’s Delibird Presents shops and their respective prices:

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Battle Items in Levincia

Soft Sand


Black Glasses


Black Belt


Never-Melt Ice


Twisted Spoon


Metal Coat


Loaded Dice


Shell Bell




Scope Lens


Wide Lens


Zoom Lens


Safety Goggles


Protective Pads


Heavy-Duty Boots


Covert Cloak


Red Card


Eject Button


Eject Pack


Adrenaline Orb


Room Service


Iron Ball


Toxic Orb


Flame Orb


Lagging Tail


Black Sludge


Sticky Barb


Ring Target


Binding Band


Rotom Phone cases in Levincia

Pikachu Case


Eevee Case


Cream Case


Dark Green Case


Wine Red Case


Orange Case


Sky Blue Case


Navy Blue Case


Cocoa Brown Case


Dark Brown Case


White Case


Black Case


Swablu Sky Case


Combee Honey Case


Applin Apple Case


Pokémon Scarlet & Violet: Cascarrafa Delibird Presents Locations And Exclusive Items

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's first Delibird Presents location in Cascarrafa.

Trainers can find two of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Delibird Presents located in Cascarrafa, in the western Paldea area. This town borders the Asado Desert and is recognizable by its blue buildings, abundant water flow, and elevators connecting different portions of the city. The first Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa can be reached by fast traveling to the Cascarrafa (West) Pokémon Center and following the street northeast – this means crossing a bridge, the town square with a fountain, and yet another bridge. Once players reach the crossing street, they should turn left and find the store on their right.

To reach the second shop, players can use Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s fast travel to the Cascarrafa (North) Pokémon Center and head slightly southwest. Unfortunately, this Pokémon Center is located at the edge of the town, so Trainers will need to circle back into the city and across the western bridge. On their left, they will find the last of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Delibird Presents locations. These are the exclusive Battle Items, and Rotom Phone cases sold in Cascarrafa’s Delibird Presents shops and their respective prices:

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Battle Items in Cascarrafa



Hard Stone


Poison Barb


Spell Tag


Dragon Fang


Normal Gem




Big Root


Bright Powder


Light Clay


Utility Umbrella


Terrain Extender


Air Balloon


Shed Shell


White Herb


Mental Herb


Power Herb


Pokémon Scarlet & Violet‘s Mirror Herb


Absorb Bulb


Cell Battery


Luminous Moss




Heat Rock


Damp Rock


Smooth Rock


Icy Rock


Electric Seed


Psychic Seed


Misty Seed


Grassy Seed


Rotom Phone cases in Cascarrafa

Grass Case


Water Case


Fire Case


Electric Case


Normal Case


Flying Case


Bug Case


Fighting Case


Psychic Case


Ghost Case


Ground Case


Rock Case


Ice Case


Dark Case


Fairy Case


Poison Case


Steel Case


Dragon Case


Komala Log Case


Flabébé Flower Case


Magnemite Magnet Case


Gothita Ribbon Case


Most of the items sold in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s Delibird Presents locations across Paldea can be found either in the wild or gifted through defeating Trainers in different areas. Nevertheless, buying them at the shops may be a swifter and more efficient way of grabbing the necessary items for whatever the final purpose is. In addition, the Delibird Presents stores sell vital items for players looking to EV train, evolve, and improve their Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, so they might be one of the most consistently reliable places to shop in the Nintendo Switch games.

Source: YouTube/Nintendo of America

  • Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Game Poster Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

    Franchise: Pokemon

    Platform: Nintendo Switch

    Released: 2022-11-18

    Developer: Game Freak

    Publisher: Nintendo, The Pokemon Company

    Genre: RPG, Adventure, Action

    Multiplayer: Online Co-Op, Online Multiplayer

    ESRB: E

    Summary: Pokémon returns in its next installment series: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Set in a fictional town near Mediterranean Spain, gamers will explore Paldea, catching new and classic Pokémon. Pokémon Scarlet and Violet is the first ever open-world game in the series and features new Pokémon that can transform into vehicles. Pokémon staples like gym battles are still present, but co-op exploration and Terastallize battles are also introduced.

    How Long To Beat: 31 Hours

    Prequel: Pokémon Sword and Shield

    Mode: Single Player, Multiplayer

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