Does Mofe Duncan have a child, parents, career, education, relationship, net worth and more

Does Mofe Duncan have a child:- Josbert Thomas Kwamina Eyimofe Duncan is Mofe Duncan’s full name. He is a famous Nigerian actor, director and television personality who has won numerous awards. He is also the CEO of the entertainment company 5ive28, which plans events and creates video, photos and media files. He has acted in more than 70 Nollywood productions.

Does Mofe Duncan have a child

Mofe has no child. There have been many speculations about Mofa Duncan’s marriage and previous relationships. However, the 38-year-old actor was only married once, to his longtime partner Jessica Ivie Kakkad. Unfortunately, the union lasted barely three years before disbanding in 2018 due to irreconcilable differences. Mofe and Jessica Ivie Kakkad, his ex-wife, first met at a function organized by Mofe.

Does Mofe Duncan have a child

Parents and education

Mofe Ducan was born in Lagos, in the house of Professor JTK Duncan and Mrs. Molly Thomas on May 28, 1983. His mother works as a banker and his father is a famous professor and doctor.

He is originally from the Nigerian Delta state. Of his parents’ seven children, Mofe is the youngest. He has a brother and one sister. Mofe attended primary and secondary schools in Lagos State and then attended the University of Lagos to study Biological Sciences (Unilag).

Mofe Duncan parentsMofe Duncan parents


Mofe started his modeling career at the age of five, appearing in commercials for famous brands such as Nestle (Maggi) and others. Mofe Duncan joined the Nollywood industry after graduating from university.

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It was while playing a role in the 2017 Nollywood blockbuster “Dark Past” produced by famous actress Chika Ike and directed by Serah Donald Onyeachor that he rose to fame. Three Kings, Dark Past and Talking Doll are just some of the films in which he appeared as an actor.

His first attempt at directing was the latter. Mofe has previous hosting experience. She worked as a presenter for Ritam FM and as a presenter for HITV. He also worked as a project coordinator at SDA Productions Limited.

Mofe Duncan careerMofe Duncan career


Mofe married Jessica Kakkad, a businesswoman in the beauty sector, on August 22, 2015. He met her when he organized an event and she caught his attention. He thought Jessica was a good enough diversion for everything else.

He saw her “caring” qualities when she visited him in the UK and knew he would marry her. In the end, they got married despite fierce opposition from the family. Unfortunately, despite Mofe’s claims that the marriage ended already in 2017, they divorced on June 26, 2019, four years after their wedding.

Relationship of Mofe DuncanRelationship of Mofe Duncan

Netto value

One of the richest actors in Nigerian cinema is Mofe. It has been learned from numerous online sources that Mofe has an estimated net worth of $5 million.


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Categories: Biography
Source: HIS Education

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