Dreamer Stars in New YA Graphic Novel from Supergirl’s Nicole Maines

DC Comics’ next youth original graphic novel will focus on Superwoman Actress and transgender activist Nicole Mains. Dreamer, originally from The CW Superwoman TV show, she debuted in the comic universe in 2022, and now she’s working on her own solo story Nightmare: A Dreamer’s Story.

Nicole Maine Notice details Nightmare: A Dreamer’s Story In an article on IGN. The graphic novel by Maines and Rye Hickman is the latest in DC’s youth graphic novel series, featuring characters old and new in DC Comics history. In addition to some gorgeous preview pages from Hickman (shown below), Maines revealed the actress she’s writing about as the story’s author and as the Dreamer on The CW’s “Arrowverse.” Some thoughts on being one of Dreamers’ biggest fans.

Importantly, Maine considers this story to be a Dreamer comic book origin story, despite the book’s status as OGN. “We’ve never seen her backstory before,” she speaks. “This is the first time anyone has heard of it. So for all intents and purposes, here’s her origin story.Nightmare: A Dreamer’s Story It will be released in April 2024.

Dreamer is DC’s newest breakout star

Dreamer, played by Nicole Maines, joins the ranks of Harley Quinn and many other DC characters who are famous on television before breaking into the world of comics. Nia Nal is part alien, part human, who has always struggled to learn how to use the dream-based divination she inherited from her mother in Nartolia. Nia’s Journey as an Alien and Transgender Woman Superwoman As important as her character’s development is, Maine also promises her comic book roots. The Dreamer Makes DC Comics Coming in 2022 Superman: Son of Kal-El,exist planet lazarus.

The Dreamer’s growing role in the DC universe is a welcome development, especially since she’s come to prominence as an openly transgender character. more important than ever, and it’s encouraging to see DC continue to promote Dreamer in her own stories, such as nightmareand other places, such as her planet lazarus Crossover (maybe even a consequence of it).

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Nightmare: A Dreamer’s Story is the source this character needs

Bad Dream's page features Young Dreamer

Page from Bad Dream, depicting young Dreamer being kicked

The pages in Bad Dream have dream sequences

Page in Bad Dream featuring Dreamer from Metropolis

With Dreamer’s growing profile in DC’s main comics, this is the perfect time for a new origin story for her — and one entirely dedicated to her, separate from Superman and her. Supergirl. Fans can preview Nightmare: A Dreamer’s Story By the upcoming Nicole Maines and Rye Hickman Pride DC 2023 #1 One shot. With any luck, the Dreamer’s story in DC Comics has only just begun.

Nightmare: A Dreamer’s Story Coming April 2024 from DC Comics!

source: Nicole Maine and IGN

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