DEAR DEIDRE: DESPITE meeting the woman of my dreams, whom I adore and who enjoys our sexually adventurous open relationship, our sex life is far from perfect.
We met through a specialized dating app for those not interested in monogamy.
However, I’ve been having trouble getting the situation to work recently – it’s my first time and I can’t figure out what’s wrong.
I am 42 years old and divorced. After my marriage ended, I was desperate for some excitement in my life.
So when a friend suggested a love dating app for an open relationship, I jumped at the chance.
I signed up hoping for some fun and was delighted when I quickly connected with my now girlfriend, 36.
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Soon after, I shared a passionate night with her and another couple.
I couldn’t believe my luck when the encounter turned into so much more. After years of boring sex in a loveless marriage, I started reviving with her.
We became close and continued to sleep together with other people. It was amazing to meet a woman who was just as adventurous as me.
Things have changed recently. Even though our relationship is stronger, every time we tried to swing, I struggled to get an erection.
I like to watch her with other people, but when it’s my turn, I struggle to get an erection.
All I ever wanted was more excitement in the bedroom and now I have it and I can’t perform with anyone else.
When my girlfriend takes over the job, I have no problem asserting myself, so I can’t figure out what the problem is.
Why is this happening? Do I feel guilty deep down for sleeping with another woman?
Being monogamous is the last thing my girlfriend and I want.
DEIDRE SAYS: Your mind is telling you one thing and your body is telling you something completely different.
While rocking may have helped both of you in the past, you’re clearly experiencing some kind of mental block and your body isn’t responding because of it.
Many things can cause erectile problems. From distraction, guilt, anxiety, competitive behavior or jealousy, there are a number of reasons why you may be struggling.
You’ve asked yourself if you feel guilty about sleeping with someone who isn’t your girlfriend. It’s entirely possible, so don’t be afraid to explore those thoughts.
Pay attention to how you feel.
The most important thing is to continue having honest conversations with your girlfriend.
Consider sex and relationship counseling if this problem persists COSRT ( can help you find a reputable therapist.
Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education