Jedi: Fallen Order – What Happened To Eno Cordova After Order 66

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Command leaving a lot of questions for the upcoming sequel, Star Wars Jedi: Survivorto answer, but one of its most pressing mysteries is the fate of former Jedi Master Ino Cordova.jedi who first appeared in reduced orders prequel comics, Jedi Order – Black Templethat was his feat with Cere Junda before Order 66. Cordova never actually appeared in reduced ordersbut the hologram he left behind guided the crew of Stinger Mantis on their journey.

Exclusive Cordova acts as a guide Star Wars Jedi: reduced ordersSensing the end of the Republic, Cordoba hid a hologram containing a list of all the children who might be sensitive to the Force. He then records a series of holographic messages that lead to the hologram, in the hope that a valuable Jedi will find it. Although one of the most important Star Wars classic legend game, reduced orders He never explicitly reveals Cordoba’s fate after starting the search, but his final message warns Cal that this may be the last time he sees Cordoba.

With nothing else to go on, it’s probably safe to assume Cordova died shortly after Order 66. After all, Cordova sent her closest ally, BD-1, on a mission to continue the work. mine. If Cordoba could carry out the quest on his own, he would have no reason to record the information for his successor, and since he had previously demonstrated his precognitive abilities, he felt his own death was justifiable. Star Warsso Cordova just feels the best it can Star Wars‘The Jedi could get the job done, in which case he could have been hiding like Kenobi. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor may solve the mystery, but here’s what is known about Eno Cordova’s whereabouts after Order 66.

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Jedi: Fallen Order’s Ino Cordoba definitely survives Order 66

Cordova’s first hologram speech reveals that he recorded messages prior to Order 66, as he was referring to his hunch rather than the end of the Jedi Order itself. It is known that his apprentice Cere Junda was arrested after Order 66, but no news of her master’s whereabouts has been revealed. Star Wars Jedi: reduced orders It is only assumed that Córdoba died during or shortly after the uprising, and the protagonist is often assumed to have died at the beginning of the story. However, a delicate Easter egg Obi-Wan Kenobi The series proves at least Cordova survived Order 66, and the mystery Star Wars Games are important to the franchise.

exist Kenobiwhen Obi-Wan arrives at a safe house run by the rebel network The Path, he notices a message engraved on the wall of Aurebesh, an important site. Star Wars language. Some of these inscriptions are the names of the Jedi Knights who survived Order 66, with both Eno Cordova and Cere Junda being featured. Unfortunately, because Kenobi happened five years later reduced orders After 10 years third episode, the timeframe is too broad and vague to provide any real clues. Junda and Cordova may have stumbled across the Path safe house years away and completely miss each other. If the safe house works, it means that Cere found it by accident after being tortured by the Empire, and Cere’s Jedi history lies within reduced orders There is no mention of any connection to Cordova after Command 66.

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Logic suggests Cordova might be dead, though Star WarsDespite the ever-expanding list of Jedi Purge survivors, the vast majority were wiped out during or shortly after Order 66. As Darth Maul, Boba Fett, and many others can attest, death is worth it. The only credence shown on screen is that Cordova’s death is best implied. Before Cordoba’s ghost appeared, it was likely that he was still alive and could play an active role in the next game.

Ino Cordova May Appear in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

Jedi Fallen Order Cal Kestis sees Zeffo Sage

Even if Cordoba is dead, he can stay in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, if nothing else, assumed the role of guide after his autopsy. However, there is a good chance that he will appear alive. After all, the game is called “survivor‘, Cordova is confirmed to have survived the fall of the Jedi Order. Jedi: SurvivorIt’s possible that the title of the movie has nothing to do with Carl, though everyone on Stinger Mantis’ crew are survivors in some way, but that seems all too obvious. Cordoba played such an important and mysterious role in it reduced orders His survival would be the perfect turning point.

If Cordoba actually meets the protagonist, reduced orders A lot of drama has been prepared and it would be a shame to waste it. Cere Junda is able to confront her about her master abandoning her and the rest of the Jedi Order, while Cordova shows contempt for Dathomir and Nightsisters like Merrin in one of the holograms. his. On top of that, Cal Kestis destroys the hologram Cordova risked her life to protect in the finale Star Wars Jedi: reduced ordersso it will be interesting to see how he reacts to the controversial decision.

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When it comes to what Cordova might have done after surviving Order 66, one theory shared in a Reddit discussion started by user Almighty_Noth is particularly intriguing. Cordova has spent most of her Jedi career studying an ancient Force-sensitive species called the Zeffo, and his hologram information led Cal to the Zeffo Vault, where he hid the Hologram. from start to finish reduced orders, players will learn more about this ancient race and Cordova’s fascination with it. In the end, a Zeffo sage revealed their fate to Cal in a vision, telling him that the once peaceful Zeffo had become corrupted until they destroyed themselves. Zeffo finally entered by boat.”great unknown“Hope for a new beginning, Kestis can start looking for them from the end Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Command arrive survivor.

The theory that Cordova is looking for or affiliated with Zeffo has a reason for how many foreshadowings reduced orders Have. After all the hard work that players put in to discover their destiny, it’s unusual for this question to be left unanswered–meaning an opportunity to discover Star Wars A universe never seen in canon media. Alternatively, the Stinger Mantis crew can team up with Cordova to find Zeffo.Only Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Could explain what the hell happened in Cordoba after order 66, but it’s now confirmed that he survived the massacre, so hopefully Star Wars Jedi: Fallen CommandHero will find out.

Source: Almighty_Noth/Reddit

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