Stupidest (& Funniest) Pokémon Cards Available To Buy

this Pokémon Trading Card Game Developed into a beast over the years.From its humble base setup Starting with the more modern Sword and Shield series, these trading cards remain relevant among competitors and collectors alike. Many fans of the series may choose to keep old cards in the hope that they will be worth more in the future. However, if there’s one obvious fact about Pokemon cards old and new, it’s that some of them can be downright hilarious.

Throughout Pokémon Trading Card Game Over the years that it’s been around, every now and again some weird cards show up.Sometimes these cards are well-known creatures, and sometimes, they’re based on external factors Pokemon Franchise. For one reason or another, many of these cards are so outlandish that they must be banned from competitive play entirely.Let’s take a look at some of them Pokemon Trading card game The funniest, silliest and weirdest cards.

Shockingly, many Pokémon’s The silliest cards come in the early years. Examples of this appear with many different promotional cards, such as Promo of them is a surfer Pikachu depicts the cute mouse riding the wind and waves, referencing the surfing mini-game in “Surfing Mini-Game”. Pokémon Yellow. Another was nicknamed “Birthday” Pikachu Although there is a large blank space in front of Pikachu’s name on the card, meaning players should write their own name. Interestingly, if it’s the player’s birthday, the birthday Pikachu’s attack may cause a large amount of damage. Needless to say, many kids would probably lie about their birthday in an attempt to get the full effect of the attack, so the card ended up being banned from tournaments.Contestant lies about his birthday to take advantage of birthday Pikachu idea Admittedly, full competence is a ridiculous idea.

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The Funniest Pokémon Cards Ever

Other fun cards include the confidently named “Cool Porygon”. This card is essentially just a regular Porygon card, it’s unclear exactly what makes it different”cool”, But its existence is still hilarious.many Pokémon’s The weirdest trading cards aren’t even from the set at all. Perhaps the strangest is the Jinguo brand.Jin Guo is a character in the play Pokémon Trading Card Game For Game Boy. While many may view his inclusion as a simple Easter egg, Imakuni was responsible for writing some of the tracks. Pokémon anime. Imakuni was a big fan of card games, so he made many playing cards and distributed them in magazines.

Although Imaguni’s cards are a form of parody, they are the funniest Pokemon Cards that have ever been released to the public. Since Imakuni was fairly unknown in the United States, his cards were initially released only in Japan, leaving English-language fans of Imakuni’s oddball cards out of luck. Thankfully, with the release of Konkuni, some of the Konkuni cards are finally being reprinted in English. XY evolution collection, making all-English Imakuni cards finally a reality.

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