Valheim: How To Get Thistle

*March 13, 2023: Updated for Xbox release to include more related information and links to related tutorials.

Thistle is one of the important ingredients in walheim For some the best foods can be made. As with any survival game, players need to ensure that their Viking characters have enough food to survive in the harsh biomes they can explore. As they find more resources, they can cook new recipes that combine to give great health, stamina, and resilience benefits. Thistle is also used in grasslands to increase resistance to certain types of damage.

Thistles are found in dark forest and swamp biomes. It looks like a vine with glowing blue bulbs that are easier to see at night. Players may have difficulty finding Thistle due to the dense vegetation on the ground in the Black Forest. Unlike other plants that can be grown from seed and grown at the base, they can only be found by foraging. Here’s how to put the thistle in walheim and how to use it in recipes.

where to find thistle in waalheim

Players can usually find thistles with up to five or six in the Dark Forest and Swamp biomes. It’s usually easier to get into the Dark Forest, so players may want to focus on those locations, especially if they’re still in the early stages of the game.

Like obsidian in mountain biomes, thistles grow sparsely, but once players find a cluster, they are likely to find many others spawning in the same area. Players should be careful to harvest whatever they find. They can also bookmark the map to remind them of their location in the future. While Thistle will not respawn in the same place, if the player has found it in a previous location, another nearby location will have the ability to respawn in the next location.

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Thistles can be made more prominent above the ground by going to the settings menu and reducing the plant quality. That way, Thistle will stand out and won’t be easy to miss.

Waalheim Road construction

unlike some other crops walheim, the player will never find thistle seeds, so they won’t be able to plant thistle on their manor. While this is an option that can be patched later, for now, players should do their best to collect thistles while exploring.

Uses of thistle in WaalheimA player cooking on a cauldron in Valheim

Thistle is used in two recipes with the best health and stamina: Blood Pudding and Sausage. Players need to combine the ingredients in the cauldron to complete the cooking.

Blood Pudding is a boosted version of Sausage, but both are great additions to any “diet” before venturing into boss battles or tough terrain. Recipes for each dish are as follows:





4 Barley Flour, 2 Blood Bags, 2 Thistles

90 Max Health 50 Max Stamina, 4 HP per heal for 2400 seconds


4 thistles, 2 offal, 1 raw meat

60 Max Health, 40 Max Stamina, 3 HP per heal for 1600 seconds

Thistle is also used in two types of grasslands: Frost Resistant Meadow and Anti Venom Meadow. Players specifically need a good supply of Frost-resistant Grasslands to travel in mountain biomes. Both grasslands will offer summoner spells that last for 10 minutes, giving players plenty of time to finish the battle or explore. The formula for each Mead Base is as follows:





10 Honey, 5 Thistle, 2 Blood Bags, 1 Duergar Eye

Anti-freeze 10 minutes.

Poison Resistance

10 honey, 10 coal, 5 thistles, 1 neck

10 minutes anti-poison.

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Players will cook the grass base in the cauldron, then put each pellet in the fermenter to ferment for 2 days. Each facility yields 6 types of honey.

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