What did Platinum Prince do? Zim dancehall star arrested in botched diesel heist

Word is spreading online that famed Zimbabwean dancehall artist Platinum Prince is in legal trouble. A Zimbabwean dancehall artist is said to be involved in the hijacking of a diesel fuel tanker. Yes, you heard right, a famous dancehall artist is said to be in legal trouble for allegedly botching a diesel theft in South Africa. It’s true? There are many people who cannot contain their excitement to find out if the famous musician has been arrested for allegedly trying to hijack a diesel tanker truck. If you are also searching the web for the same, then this article will help you find out. Scroll down the page and see below.

platinum prince arrested

Platinum prince arrested for botched diesel theft

Musician sensation Platinum Prince was allegedly caught in the act while trying to hijack a diesel tanker truck in South Africa and was mercilessly beaten to death as well. His real name is Ian Makiwa, but he is affectionately known as the Platinum Prince. News of Platinum Prince’s attempt to hijack a diesel tanker quickly turned dangerous when he was caught by the men who found him committing the crime. They also mercilessly beat him even though they knew he was a famous musician. The artist reported that the men who caught him in the act left him with several bruises on his face and prevented him from assaulting a diesel tanker truck from there. Scroll down the page and read more details.

Authorities are said to have received a tip about an attempted hijacking of a diesel tanker truck by Platinum Prince. But the authorities have not officially confirmed the arrest of the sensational musician. But several images of Platinum Prince, showing the aftermath of the attempted hijacking of the diesel tanker, are making the rounds on social media. Many people posted photos of the platinum prince that people captured with multiple bruises on his face. Scroll down the page.

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A Zimbabwean musician has reportedly been arrested in South Africa for allegedly stealing a diesel tanker. People all over Zimbabwe recognize him from his music albums. He has written several super hits like Madam, Hazviite, Madzibaba, Waivepi, Ndiani and Mona Wandigarira. Platinum Prince was born in Bindura, where he attended Bradley Institute to further his musical career. He has received several award nominations in recognition of his talent. More details will be announced soon. This is a developing story. Stay tuned to this website for more details and further updates.

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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