Who Is Hajur El-Haggan? What did Hajur El-Haggan say?

The ongoing conflict between the people of the Gaza Strip and the State of Israel will continue to affect the lives of many people. One of these people is a teacher, Mrs. Hajur Al-Hajgan. She is currently in the spotlight after it was announced that she was placed on leave because of her signature on an email that contained a controversial line in support of Palestinian rights. The move did not go down well with the Islamic community because she is Muslim and there were concerns that she was being treated unfairly because she was Muslim. Since the problem came to light, many people have been asking for more information about it.

Who is Hajur El-Haggan?

Hajur El-Haggan, a black Muslim Arab-American teacher in Maryland, was placed on administrative leave after she included a controversial statement supporting Palestinian rights in her email signature. CAIR filed a discrimination complaint Wednesday on behalf of a math teacher who has been employed by Montgomery County Public Schools since 2015. According to the complaint filed Wednesday, Nov. 20, the principal of Argyle High School in Maryland informed Ms. Al. -Haggan that she is currently on leave because of her political and personal views.

What Hajur El-Haggan said

Hajur El-Haggan has been a math teacher at Montgomery County High School since 2015. She recently made headlines after she was reportedly placed on temporary leave for expressing political and personal views in her email signature. According to the lawsuit, El-Hagin used the phrase to refer to Israeli restrictions on Palestinians’ ability to move within the West Bank, Gaza and enter Israel, as well as to visit Jerusalem’s holy sites. The term was widely used in pro-Palestinian protests during the conflict between Israel and the Hamas organization. At least one member of the US House of Representatives has been sharply criticized by colleagues for using the term.

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At a press conference, Eva Frankl, spokeswoman for the Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), a pro-Palestinian group, said that “Hajur el-Haggan” was targeted because she “supported the people of Palestine, who are going through a terrible war that affects every living thing in the world.” Frankl also asked why supporting “Palestinian life (is) more problematic than supporting black life, Jewish life, or women’s life?” The lawsuit alleged that the plaintiff was discriminated against on the basis of race and religion, as well as other factors, and that the actions of the District violated the Fair Employment Practices Act (EPSA) and Title VII (EPSA) of the State of Maryland.Follow our website for the latest news.

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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