Baby Yoda: The Most Hilarious Force Choke Memes

Every now and then, a pop culture figure comes along that really seems to change everything.Creator of hit series The Mandalorian It may not have been expected that “Baby Yoda” would become a bona fide pop culture phenomenon, but the cute little green creature seems to have hit just the right spot on the collective happy spot, becoming nearly ubiquitous in the digital world (countless fan theories keep appearing). A true measure of how popular this little green creature is is the sheer number of memes that have emerged, many of which feature the infamous Force choke.

A lot of it is just too funny to describe in words.

we’ve all been there

There’s nothing worse than going to the refrigerator in the middle of the night to find someone has finished their last glass of chocolate milk (or someone has finished it and conveniently forgot to throw away the empty carton and buy more). Perfectly capturing that longing that everyone has felt at one time or another, that desire that somehow, somehow, that empty jar will be filled with sweet chocolate milk again.

Appearances can be deceiving

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There’s no doubt that Baby Yoda is one of the cutest Star Wars creations in a long time. However, beneath the cute exterior lies something more sinister. One never knows when this little creature is going to strangle someone with force, and this meme really points out that there’s a lot about this that viewers don’t fully grasp or understand.

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how dare you? !

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If there’s anything more devastating than walking into the refrigerator and finding an empty can of chocolate milk, it’s discovering that someone has taken the last cookie. Honestly, who did this? It’s not hard to imagine that Baby Yoda, or anyone with the ability to control the Force, would think that those who do so could benefit from a bit of physical discipline to remind them to mind their manners.

Honestly, what’s wrong with these people?

The struggle is real

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Most people see the New Year as an opportunity to reinvent themselves, and resolutions can be a great reminder of the goals they have set for themselves. Unfortunately, it usually doesn’t take long for these commitments to self-improvement to fall by the wayside, especially given that many people tend to behave in unpleasant ways. There’s no better way to express the struggle between your new self and your old self than with Baby Yoda (seriously, who doesn’t want to strangle someone to death at least once?).

Quite funny

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There’s something very interesting about the character of Baby Yoda. On the one hand, he’s clearly a powerful being, able to command the Force and do some pretty extraordinary things. At the same time, there’s no doubt that he would probably be dead if the Mandalorian hadn’t intervened in time. The funniest thing is, as this meme points out, he also had to use a car seat. In other words, he is a true student of contradictions.

This is understandable

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Look, it’s understandable that people get angry sometimes. After all, there are a lot of annoying people in this world who often go out of their way to make others their enemies. What better way to express one’s frustration than with Baby Yoda threatening to forcibly choke someone to death?

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Luckily, since most people can’t actually force-suffocate (as far as we know, anyway), they can only pretend they’re Baby Yoda (or, if you’re older, Baby Yoda pretend) they’re down the hall one of the children).

Don’t aim too high

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If anyone can speak to the dangers of aiming too high and dreaming too much of the future, it’s Darth Vader. After all, this man did try to cheat death, but it ended up turning into something horrific. In this case, the meme does an excellent job of reminding viewers not to set personal goals too high. After all, it would be difficult for any average person to capture the cuteness and appeal of Baby Yoda, so why try?

Wise quotes

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Anyone who has watched the show knows that one of the funniest things about Baby Yoda is that he doesn’t actually say anything (as opposed to the original Yoda, who was very, very talkative). However, the meme creator gave the little wrinkled green creature some words of wisdom that, overall, seem very realistic. If anyone can inspire others to treat him with more respect when dealing with him, it’s Baby Yoda.

shock and awe

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There is something magical about childhood. This is a time in a person’s life when anything seems possible. Who hasn’t imagined that they have command of the Force? And, let’s be honest, when you’re a kid, there’s nothing more fascinating than an automatic door that seems to obey your every command. This cute little meme manages to capture that sense of wonder (but, considering how delightful Baby Yoda is, that’s not surprising).

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Comparative Study

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Perhaps no two characters are more different than Darth Vader and Baby Yoda. One thing they do have in common, however, is a rather unfortunate tendency to resort to forced chokeholds when other methods of persuasion might be more effective. However, as this hilarious meme points out, there’s a big difference between being choked by them, just like there’s a big difference between being choked by your boss and being choked by a toddler.

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